Aimee Mullins – A Leading Lady BECAUSE of Her Challenges

Aimee Mullins is one of the most inspiring women that I have ever seen. You will be in AWE of this woman’s confidence, and as she says, not in spite of her challenges but BECAUSE of her challenges. There is NOTHING disabled about her. She believes that the only disability that people can have is a crushed spirit.

Oh, what we could take and learn from Aimee’s example of accepting what is but never accepting defeat. Two very different things.

Aimee’s story began the day she was born when she was born with fibular hemimelia (missing fibula bones). both of her legs were amputated at the knee when she was one year old. Since then she has excelled in sports, modeled, and acted, and has become a well-known public speaker where she shares her story and inspires others. She has been named one of the fifty most beautiful people in the world by People.

Be prepared to be inspired!

I would love to meet her parents!

The Real Difference Between Thinking and Believing


We all have dreams, a life we want to live, a job we want to do, a mark we want to leave, but what separates those of us who only dream from those of us whose dreams come true?

Is it money? Is it education? Is it the right connections? Could be. It could be some of all of those, but that doesn’t explain the people who live their dreams and accomplish great things without any of those. It must be something else.

One thing most people have in common whose dreams come true is that they believed it, sacrificed for it, and made their daily choices as if it were possible.

If we truly believe, we make different choices. If we’re not believing, we really aren’t actively moving toward our dream at all. We’re just thinking positively about it and wishing for it. One is active and doing, and the other isn’t because more than likely we’re not truly believing it is possible. We’re accepting the defeat that keeps us from moving forward and making the daily decisions that propels us in the direction of our dreams.

What leading lady wants to live a life of defeat? That is most certainly not the dream. Be brave. You can do this.

I believe in the power of writing things down. Sit down and write your dream. What do you need to do to be moving in that direction? Make your decisions for the day like you believe your dreams are possible. If you believed your dreams were completely possible, what would you be doing differently today to move toward them? That is what you need to be doing. That is what will make dreams come true.

Appreciative Living

I watched the Hallmark movie Have a Little Faith tonight. It was such a good movie, and one scene in particular caught my attention. It was the scene where people were standing in line for food. They were handed simple things like a bag of potatoes and bread. I have never had to stand in line for food, but we did go through a sudden job loss a couple of years ago where the only area left to cut back was the grocery budget. We went from having a shopping cart full of food to a cart that barely had the bottom covered. But what I do remember during those lean times is the fact that we enjoyed what we did have even more. Even something like a bag of potatoes or bread would have been appreciated and enjoyed. We apprecciated every little thing more than ever, even going to the library to borrow dvds instead of renting them was enjoyed more than ever. We were thankful that we had the gas to drive to the library once a week. It really isn’t how much we have, it’s just being grateful for what we do have.

The funny thing is we had so much less then, so you would think we would be even more appreciative now, but you know it was a completely different level of appreciation when it was all you had. As leading ladies, let’s take a little time each day and appreciate all that we have, even the little things, like how much easier life is with a can opener when you have arthritis or what a great and cheap cleaner vinegar is or how wonderful a pair of gloves can be in the cold winter. A grateful and appreciative heart is a beautiful heart. ♥

What are you thankful for today?

The Mirror Has Two Faces


Who is this sassy, fun thing?

When I saw this picture for the first time in many years, I held it and studied it as if seeing it for the first time. I could not believe it was me. I felt much like Barbara Streisand’s character in the movie, The Mirror Has Two Faces, when she saw a picture she had never seen of herself when she was a little girl. I thought, “This is me? I was cute, fun, happy, loved and confident?”

As I looked at this picture, I couldn’t believe this was me.  You see, like Barbara Streisand’s character, I had lost my way, too.  I had forgotten who I was.  It seemed everything I had been doing in my life for so many years was part of a journey to take me right back here – to being who I always was, this fun, happy, loved and confident person, much like what happened with Barbara Streisand’s character.

Quote from The Mirror Has Two Faces:
Mother:  Do you know what I thought when you were a baby?  That you looked just like your dad, and that Claire looked like me.
Rose:  (looking at an old picture of little girl) What’s that? She was so pretty, even then. Look at those eyes. Those lips.
Mother:  That’s not Claire, that’s you.
Rose:  Me? I never saw this picture.
Mother: I found it when I was cleaning up.
Rose:  This was me?  I was pretty?
Mother:  Your father adored you. But you know that.  He never felt that way about Claire. Only you.  I don’t think he ever held a baby until you came.  He never wanted to let you go.
Rose:  I’m glad you found this.
Mother:  So am I.
Rose:  She was very pretty.
Mother:  You were very pretty. Remember that.

So, as I look at this picture of this fun, happy, loved and confident little girl, I am telling myself, “That’s me. Remember that. That’s the real me. The me before the ugliness of the world. The me before I lost my way. If ever I need to find myself, I need not look any further than this picture.”

We all need one of these pictures. It does not matter the age you are in the picture. Just find at least one picture of yourself where you shine, not just shine on the outside, but shine on the inside, too – you at the top of your game, confident and happy. Put these pictures where you can see them every day. And, remember, you do not have to find yourself. You just have to remember who you are.

P.S. Please note the pose. This is why I cannot wear dresses to this day.

Do you have a picture of you shining? 

(originally written July 31, 2009)

Thanksgiving with Topaz – How to Have a Great Thanksgiving | Tips for a Memorable Thanksgiving Day

Just released!

Do you want to have a less stressful Thanksgiving?

Do you want to have time to visit with everyone instead of working non-stop?

Do you want everyone to play and have fun?

Do you want to make memories that will last forever?

Do you want pictures to remember it all and that will keep your facebook buzzing?

I’m a Mary with a Martha-sized holiday approaching! I love to play and talk with everyone on Thanksgiving! This 28 page guide plus worksheets* can take your Thanksgiving from a chaotic and average holiday to the event of the year! It’s all about making memories and capturing them, and as a photographer I have included some fun ways to do that!

  • Timeline
  • Menu Planning Sheet
  • Quick & Easy Appetizers
  • Shopping Lists
  • Games & Activities
  • Photo Scavenger Game Sheet
  •  Thanksgiving Pictionary
  • Thanksgiving Charades

For a limited time only $5.95!

The guide is a pdf file. The 5 editable files are Microsoft Word files. *You must have Microsoft Word for the 5 editable sheets. If you do not have Microsoft Word, you will need to copy the sheets into your word processor.