Be a Leading Lady welcomes contributing authors! It is a great way for Be a Leading Lady readers to meet you. We also write for other blogs as time allows, so please ask if you would like Be a Leading Lady to write an article for you.
Contributing Author Guidelines
- Must be original content that fits the Be a Leading Lady website.
- We prefer articles to be between 500-1000 words. Depending on the article, that can be waived.
- A byline is permitted with a little blurb and link to your website. We ask that the article not be an advertisement.
- A link back to the article should be posted on your website.
- We also provide a “featured contributor” badge (shown on the right). Only guest writers are allowed to use the badge on their website.
- The article must be edited before it is submitted as we do not have time to do major editing.
- We reserve the right to edit or refuse to publish if we feel it does not work for us at this time.

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Please submit all articles HERE. Please understand that we cannot respond to all submissions, but you will receive notification if it is published.
I love the way each time I stop by your website is filled with hope and positiveness that I just don.t “get” or “feel” anywhere else… Thank you and I plan on contributing and supporting others to stop by! Thank you again…
@Diana Chery: What kinds words! Thank you so much for saying that. And thank you for being here.
i love the fact that you guys encourage female leadership. Growing up around three brothers, i engaged in everything that they did so i never thought there to be a line drawn on the capabilities of individuals based upon gender. Since beginning college and taking numerous busniess, leadership, and psychology courses, it is made very clear that women, many times, do not reach or are not given the same opportunities for success that men are.
I am determined that i will become successful and i am still convinced that anything a guy can do, i can do at least just as good (even if it takes a bit of practice).
Cheers to you all for encouraging and inspiring females to follow thier dreams!! Thanks to people and sites, like this, we will rise and shatter those glass cielings!!!! Blessings.
kelli patterson recently posted..RIGHTEOUS REBEL & IDEALISTIC INNOVATOR
@kelli patterson: Thank you for visiting and commenting, Kelli!