We are setting an example on how to live life every second of every day and with every choice we make. It’s not just about what you want your children to do and be today. It’s about the kind of adult you want them to be tomorrow. We are teaching them how to be adults, not how to be the child they are today.
How to Have a Great and Memorable Thanksgiving Day with Family and Friends
For every 100 facebook followers we get, will be giving away 1 FREE copy! Tell your friends!
Do you want to have a less stressful Thanksgiving?
Do you want to have time to visit with everyone instead of working non-stop?
Do you want everyone to play and have fun?
Do you want to make memories that will last forever?
Do you want pictures to remember it all and that will keep your facebook buzzing?
I’m a Mary with a Martha-sized holiday approaching! I love to play and talk with everyone on Thanksgiving! Stay tuned to find out how I do it!
Release date: Wednesday, November 16, 2011
30 Day Writing Challenge
I read a blog post last week on a 30 Day Writing Challenge by Kelly Kingman based off of NaNoWrMo where you write 50,000 words in 30 days on your novel. The author of the article talked of doing this for other areas of writing, too. So I decided to try it. I know, Yoda. No try. Do or don’t do.
That being said, I am modifying it. That is quite ambitious, and the perfectionist in me would probably quit all together if I missed making my goal one day.
The author of the article said that 50,000 words in 30 days would be a year’s worth of blog posts and one 15,000 word ebook. All in 30 days. Who wouldn’t love that?
I also read a post on Jeff Goins, Writer where he talked of exercising your writing muscles in “The Secret to Effortless Writing“. The more we practice the easier it gets and the better we get at it. He also recommended a book, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield that I purchased. Something tells me that it will be a painful month of growing and stretching myself. But I’m inspired and excited to see where it goes!
I am going to be realistic since it is so close to the holidays and set my goal for 500 words a day. I know that is not a lot, but it could amount to 60 pages of my book. And that’s not too shabby. Plus, I am hoping to overshoot that. I just want to leave myself wiggle room on days that are just too crazy to write a lot. It’s more psychological than anything. Inside my real goal is much higher. This just keeps me from giving up. You have to be tricksy with me when trying to get me to do something. I know this about myself and devise my plans accordingly. I have written over 2200 words on my first day. I probably wouldn’t get too used to seeing that number, though. That’s insane. But who knows what I might do if I get used to doing it and make myself do it every day.
One thing she said about this writing is that it is unedited. We’re not proofing it or finding pictures for a blog post. We’re just writing. I just started today and have already failed miserably on that concept. It will take some practice.
I’m excited to be exercising my writing muscles as I work on my book!
I will be doing this challenge along with a few other brave bloggers:
Tammy | Grown Up, Now What
Who wants to join us?
Playing Small Does Not Serve the World
Ever notice how we struggle with accepting compliments or even thinking good things about ourselves, like we are almost being conceited?
Yet, we’re supposed to be confident.
It is okay to think good things about yourself. It’s the beginning of thinking good about others. If we don’t think well of ourselves and like ourselves, it’s almost impossible to really like others. We are in too small of a place to like others.
Leading ladies like themselves. They like who they are. And they like others.
If you were to sit down right now and think of yourself at your best, on your best day, when you are happiest, when you are truly letting yourself shine through, what do you see? What do you love about yourself?
Whatever is coming to your mind that you feel in your heart, write that down. Now.
In order to love others, we must first love ourselves or we have nothing to give the world.
It’s okay to love yourself. It really is.
These are the things I love about myself. It’s truly okay to say that, even out loud. It will even give others permission to love themselves, too.
I am thankful for who I am, all the good that I am.
I am smart.
I am creative.
I am inspired.
I am inspirational.
I am soulful.
I am kind.
I am lovely.
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking. – Marianne Williamson
What do you love about yourself? I won’t judge you or think you are conceited, just let it flow from year heart. That is the real you.
Dear Friend
I’ve decided to start all of my posts with the greeting, “Dear Friend”. I got the idea when writing a very special and dear friend and found that I wrote more from my heart, and that is what I want to do with you, my new dear friends. While we may have never met, I do hope that we become friends in this journey together.
It reminds me of a quote from the movie, You’ve Got Mail:
“I like to start my notes to you as if we’re already in the middle of a conversation. I pretend that we’re the oldest and dearest friends- as opposed to what we actually are- people who don’t know each other’s names and met in a chat room where we both claimed we’d never been before. What will NY152 say today, I wonder. I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently as it boots up. I go online, and my breath catches in my chest until I hear three little words: You’ve got mail. I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I have mail. From you.”
I’ve given this a lot of thought as I begin writing my book. And I want it to feel like we have sat down in a coffee shop, in big comfy chairs, with a cup of our favorite coffees and are having a conversation as old and dear friends. Because whatever else it is, it ought to begin with personal.
Another quote from the movie, “You’ve Got Mail”:
JOE: It wasn’t personal —
KATHLEEN: — It was business. What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All it means is it’s not personal to you, but it’s personal to me, it’s personal to a lot of people. (she shrugs helplessly) What’s wrong with personal anyway?
JOE: Nothing.
KATHLEEN: I mean, whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.
Because whatever else it is, it ought to begin with personal. Until next time, dear friend.