The Journey

This is a journal for reclaiming the role we want to lead in my own lives. This is the first day of the rest of our lives. We are changing our choices and changing our lives to be the person we want to be, the person we were born to be.

The blog is my daily journal. I’m using the word daily very loosely here. I’m not sure I have ever done anything daily in my life, short of a few basic things and feed my children, which is part of the reason that I chose to blog the journey, to keep me accountable. It’s more of a commitment pledge, minus the pledge…or too much commitment. I read somewhere to effect change that you must do something EVERY day in order to create a true habit for at least 30 days but longer is even better. If you had any idea how the thought of that makes my ADD self want to hyperventilate, you would hand me a paper bag right now.