The Power of Our Thoughts

“If you knew how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” — Peace Pilgrim

I read something recently on how contagious our energy is, whether good or bad, we are contagious. When we are around a negative, angry person, we can literally feel it. It’s palpable and brings down everything in our spirit. We not only bring ourselves down with negative thoughts and energy but all those around us. If we want to be a leading lady that we can be proud of, we have to take our thoughts captive. We must control them instead of the other way around. When we turn those negative thoughts to positive ones, not only do we feel we can fly, but those around us feel they can fly, too!

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7

You is Smart. You is Kind. You is Important. – The Help

You is Smart.

You is Kind.

You is Important.

– The Help

No matter what anyone says to you or how they make you feel, never forget these powerful words from the movie “The Help”. There is probably not anyone out there that has not needed to hear these words at some point in their life. What added so much more significance to this was the assurance and conviction with which they were said. What a wonderful mantra to remember to tell the children in your life.